Showing posts with label tutorial ring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial ring. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Feathers feathers feathers... check out the DIY!

diy ring, feathers

English tutorial
Feathers feathers feathers
It's a little bit of time that "fashion feathers" is out, and I'm  going crazy for their charm and so I decided to create this ring.
Easy to pair and use.
Needed: I used feathers, hot glue and glazing that generally used for decoupage.
Tutorial: the time to make it happen is very little, to wear it you just have to wait for the vitrification dry.
I got a simple ring, you can also use the classic ring bases that are on the market, I glued it on with hot glue feathers, overlapping them slightly.
Finally I passed on each feather with a brush the glaze.
Et voila DIY is done ... just patience to wait the drying time.
A big kiss and soon a new diy

Il Tutorial in Italiano lo trovate su

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tutorial Diy lace ring "all finger" !

Hi there guys, today I'm posting the tutorial about the ring that I wore here. Well it is super easy to make, I used a piece of lace wholeport, a part of a plastic bottle, to create the basis that I stopped with the double sided tape and then over there I sewed the lace. Then I went through a veil of white glue, I made it dry and then I sprayed all  with the golden spray.
What do you say about? Is not too cute and fashion this ring "all finger"?
A big kiss and soon to

Ciao a tutti, oggi vi posto il tutorial dell' anello che ho indossato qui. Bè farlo è super semplice, ho usato un pezzo di pizzo di wholeport, un pezzo di bottiglia di plastica , per creare la base che ho fermato con del biadesivo e poi sopra vi ho cucito il pizzo. Dopo ho passato un velo di colla vinilica, ho fatto asciugare e poi ho spruzzato il tutto con lo spray oro. 
Che ne dite, non è troppo carino e fashion questo anello a tutto dito? 
Un bacione e a prestissimo

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