Showing posts with label Gianfranco Ferrè. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gianfranco Ferrè. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"La camicia bianca secondo me" by Gianfranco Ferré

palazzo reale, milano, milan, la camicia bianca secondo me, gianfranco ferrè, ferrè, fashion, fashionblog, blogger, fashionblogger, themorasmoothie, la camicia bianca, camicia, mostra, italianblogger, bloggritaliana, fasahionbloggeritaliana, lifestyle

"The white shirt for me" by Gianfranco Ferre.
This's the translation of the title of the exhibition which is housed at Palazzo Reale in Milan until April the first.

"La camicia bianca secondo me" by Gianfranco Ferrè.
Questo il titolo della mostra che è ospitata a Milano presso il Palazzo Reale sino al 1 Aprile.

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