Buondì amici, come state?
Che ne dite dell'outfit che indosso?
Io sono innamorata di questa gonna, che
si muove con dolcezza ad ogni passo, una gonna sensuale, divertente e
con carattere, di quelle che piacciono a me che trasmettono la mia
essenza e mi fanno sentir bene, perché ognuno di noi dovrebbe sempre
indossare ciò che la fa sentir bene.
E a tal proposito vorrei citarvi una
frase della stilista che l'ha creata "se dovessi ricreare il
sistema moda… vorrei … che obbedisse al giro della ruota dei
sentimenti" io sono pienamente d'accordo con lei e voi cosa ne
Con questo outfit mi è piaciuto
giocare di contrasti, indossando un abito super sexy sempre di ChiaraIs e degli anfibi, e sapete cosa mi piace di questi due capi?
Che ci possono far divertire ad usarli
in modi diversi in base alle situazioni ed al nostro stato d'animo.
Vi lascio a qualche immagine e vi invio
un grosso bacio
Hey guys, how are you?
How about this new outfit?
I'm in love with this skirt, that moves gently with every step, a sensual skirt, fun and with character, of those that I like that convey my essence and make me feel good, because each of us should always wear what makes it feel good.
And in this regard I would like to quote a phrase from the designer who created it "if I had to recreate the fashion system ... I would like ... that it obeyed the turn of the wheel of feelings" I fully agree with her and what do you think?
With this outfit I have liked playing with contrasts, wearing a super sexy dress always by ChiaraIs and amphibians, and do you know what I like about these two garments?
That it can be fun use them in different ways based on the situations and our mood.
I leave you with some pictures and send you a big kiss
How about this new outfit?
I'm in love with this skirt, that moves gently with every step, a sensual skirt, fun and with character, of those that I like that convey my essence and make me feel good, because each of us should always wear what makes it feel good.
And in this regard I would like to quote a phrase from the designer who created it "if I had to recreate the fashion system ... I would like ... that it obeyed the turn of the wheel of feelings" I fully agree with her and what do you think?
With this outfit I have liked playing with contrasts, wearing a super sexy dress always by ChiaraIs and amphibians, and do you know what I like about these two garments?
That it can be fun use them in different ways based on the situations and our mood.
I leave you with some pictures and send you a big kiss
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