Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kisses DIY scarf inspired by Yves Saint Laurent!

DIY, DIY scarf, diy Yves Saint Laurent, Yves Saint Lauent, diy fashion, diy blog, diy blogger, themorasmoothie, scarf, kisses, fashion, fashion diy, craft, diy craft, diy project, fashionblog, fashionblogger, blogger, italianblogger

Today a new fashion DIY! 
One of the best "trend" of  this summer will be "thousand kisses everywhere" and following this romantic wave I decided to create this scarf inspired by Yves Saint Laurent. 
Time: 20 min 
Essential: scarf, red color and medium for fabric, foam and cardboard to create the mold. 
Tutorial: I created my first mold on a piece of cardboard, I then mixed medium and red color and here we are in the funny part ... alternating randomly I applied the mask and with a sponge soaked in color with a I gave life to the kisses scarf!
What do you think about? 
And following "kisses trend" I send you many kisses!

Oggi un nuovo fashion DIY!
Uno dei trend di quest'estate sono i "mille baci ovunque" ed รจ proprio su quest'onda romantica che ho deciso di creare questa sciarpa ispirandomi a Yves Saint Laurent.
Tempo: 20 min
Necessario: sciarpa, colore rosso e medium per tessuto, spugna e del cartoncino per creare lo stampo.
Tutorial: Ho prima creato il mio stampo su un pezzo di cartone, ho poi miscelato medium e colore rosso e poi arriva la parte divertente... alternando a caso ho applicato la mascherina e con la spugnetta imbevuta di colore ho dato vita alla sciarpa con i baci!
Che ne dite?
E sulla scia dei baci vi mando tanti ma tantissimi baci!

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DIY, DIY scarf, diy Yves Saint Laurent, Yves Saint Lauent, diy fashion, diy blog, diy blogger, themorasmoothie, scarf, kisses, fashion, fashion diy, craft, diy craft, diy project, fashionblog, fashionblogger, blogger, italianblogger, tutorial, tutorial scarf

DIY, DIY scarf, diy Yves Saint Laurent, Yves Saint Lauent, diy fashion, diy blog, diy blogger, themorasmoothie, scarf, kisses, fashion, fashion diy, craft, diy craft, diy project, fashionblog, fashionblogger, blogger, italianblogger, tutorial, tutorial scarf

DIY, DIY scarf, diy Yves Saint Laurent, Yves Saint Lauent, diy fashion, diy blog, diy blogger, themorasmoothie, scarf, kisses, fashion, fashion diy, craft, diy craft, diy project, fashionblog, fashionblogger, blogger, italianblogger, tutorial, tutorial scarf

DIY, DIY scarf, diy Yves Saint Laurent, Yves Saint Lauent, diy fashion, diy blog, diy blogger, themorasmoothie, scarf, kisses, fashion, fashion diy, craft, diy craft, diy project, fashionblog, fashionblogger, blogger, italianblogger, tutorial, tutorial scarf
Scarf by Yves Saint Laurent

DIY, DIY scarf, diy Yves Saint Laurent, Yves Saint Lauent, diy fashion, diy blog, diy blogger, themorasmoothie, scarf, kisses, fashion, fashion diy, craft, diy craft, diy project, fashionblog, fashionblogger, blogger, italianblogger, tutorial, tutorial scarf

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