Hi there! So pay attention that Google Reader is shutting down from the 1st of july and as from that date, you will lose the list of blogs you follow.
I personally use Bloglovin, but for those of you who don't, you can easily transfer the list of all the blogs you already follow so you don't miss out
Here is how to import all the blogs you follow from Google Reader to Bloglovin'...
Enjoy The Mora Smoothie
Hi there, today I'm posting an outfit with my Diy dress inspired by Chanel that you find here.
I wanna accessorize with pearl necklaces, used both as a bracelet and as a necklace , all around more than once, what about it?
Among the many things I had just forgotten about this outfit ... forgetful.
I send you a big kiss and keep following me, soon brand new and sensational Diy and many new ... kisses Kisses
Ciao a tutti, oggi vi posto l' outfit con il mio Diy vestito ispirato by Chanel che trovate qui.
L' ho voluto accessoriare con collane di perle, usate sia come bracciale che come collana, tutte a più giri, che ne dite?
Tra le tante cose mi ero proprio dimenticata di questo outfit...smemorina.
Vi mando un grande bacio e continuate a seguirmi, presto nuovissimi e strepitosi Diy e tante novità... baci baci
Hi everyone, how are you? New day, new outfit with a new Diy, soon will post you the tutorial, ... but try to guess who and what inspired me?
I leave you with these pics, which I hope you enjoy them, a kiss and soon
Ciao a tutti, come va? Nuovo giorno, nuovo outfit con un nuovo Diy, presto posterò il tutorial,... ma provate ad indovinare a chi e a che cosa mi sono ispirata?
Vi lascio con queste foto, che spero vi piacciano, un bacione e a prestissimo